Telegram announced this week that it will allow users to turn gifts into NFTs on The Open Network using Telegram Stars, its in-app currency that is linked to Toncoin (TON), the native token of the blockchain network.
Gifts, unveiled by Telegram in October, are a collection of animated artworks and custom messages that can be given and then displayed on a user’s profile in Telegram.
The new feature is part of Telegram’s first update of 2025, and will allow users of its messaging app to upgrade more than 20 existing gifts—like Jelly Bunny and Santa Hat—to collectibles, aka NFTs, for a “small amount of Telegram Stars,” which covers the cost of the blockchain fees.
While the Telegram blog indicates the feature is now live, Decrypt has not been able to access the feature in-app as of this writing.
When upgraded, the item takes on a new customized appearance built by Telegram artists, complete with secondary traits “including a background color, icon, and number.”
Users will then be able to transfer their Telegram NFTs to other users, or they can auction them …